2023Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
Analysis of Ozark chinquapin (Castanea ozarkensis) reproduction and chestnut blight infection at Roaring River State Park, Missouri Danielle Evilsizor, graduate student at Pittsburg State University Artistic talents and natural/cultural careers of the Palmer Family with emphasis on botanical illustrations Paul W. Nelson, Ecological Consultant. Past affiliations: Mark Twain National Forest and Missouri State Parks (retired) Understanding the population dynamics of Cirsium pitcheri across multiple spatial scales Dr. Samniqueka Halsey, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri The botanists among us: host plant specialization in insects Ted MacRae, Senior Research Entomologist & Fellow, Monsanto/Bayer (retired) Braided streams of thought: meandering through groundwater discharge, wetland plants, and beaver complexes Joint presentation by Justin Thomas, Science Director, NatureCITE | Frank Nelson, Wetland Systems Manager, Statewide Resource Management Branch, Missouri Department of Conservation | Kyle Steele, Ecologist/Soil Scientist, U.S. Forest Service Unexpected roles of a native macrophyte: Justicia americana as an ecosystem engineer in flashy Ozark streams -- Alexis Reifsteck, Undergraduate Researcher, Missouri State University 2022Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
Significant Botanical Discoveries in Missouri from 2018 to Present Justin Thomas, Science Director, NatureCITE Evaluating Illinois Rare Plant Species and Updating Status Ranks Using the NatureServe Calculator Paul B. Marcum, Associate Project Leader for Botany, Wetland Science Program at the Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Aquatic Plants in Spring-fed Ponds Hannah Whaley, Botanist, Missouri State University Never Again... Two Wildflower Guides in Two-and-a-Half Years Scott Namestnik, Botanist, Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center, Indiana DNR Division of Nature Preserves Climate Change and its Effects on Midwestern Plant Communities Kevin Tungesvick, Senior Ecologist, Eco Logic LLC The Effects of Climate on Developing Communities of Restored Tallgrass Prairie Katie Eckhoff, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Kansas All Plants Great and Small, Gotta Find Em’ All: Extracting Rare Plant Records from iNaturalist Diana Soteropoulos, Botanist/Collections Manager (ANHC Herbarium)/Arkansas Herbarium Digitization Coordinator, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission 2019
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO Indiana's Path to a Terrestrial Plant Rule
Dawn Slack, Director of Stewardship/Invasive Plant Advisory Committee Chair, The Nature Conservancy Examination of Climate-Driven Shifts in Flowering Time in the Native Genus Triodanis Dr. Jennifer Weber, Assistant Professor, Southeast Missouri State University Ant-Dispersed Seeds in Missouri: The Extent of an Ant-Plant Mutualism, and the Impact of Fire Eva Colberg, PhD candidate, Department of Biology & Harris World Ecology Center, University of Missouri-Saint Louis Missouri Ginseng Harvest and Considerations to Revise State Regulations Malissa Briggler, State Botanist, Missouri Department of Conservation Prairies in Trouble - The Sumac Epidemic Justin Thomas, Science Director, NatureCITE Missouri Botanical Garden Seed Bank: Kyrgyzstan Edition Meg Engelhardt, Seed Bank Manager, Missouri Botanical Garden Missouri Ozark Fens: Soils, Geomorphology, Hydrogeologic-Ecological Setting, and Vegetation Communities Scott George, Principal Scientist, Environmental Science Consulting 2018
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO Grandpa Was Much More than Just Frank Bush of Courtney, Missouri
Gloria Haralson Smith, President of Jackson County Historical Society Tallgrass by the Millimeter: A Close Look at Species Composition, Vegetation Structure, and Ecological Relationships in an Old-Growth Prairie Community - John White, Ecological Services, Urbana, Illinois 10 Criticisms of FQA and 10 Ways to Fix It Greg Spyreas, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Illinois Natural History Survey Conservation Epigenetics & Phenotypic Plasticity Brigette Williams, Ph.D. candidate, Saint Louis University & Missouri Botanical Garden Wave of Fire: A New Perspective on Pre-EuroAmerican Settlement Fire and Plant Communities Michael C. Stambaugh, Ph.D., Associate Research Professor, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses of Parnassia grandifolia (Parnassiaceae) Aaron Floden, Ph.D., Flora of Missouri and Eastern North America Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden Submergent Islands in The Barrens: Plant Communities of Eastern Highland Rim Ponds Claire Ciafre, Graduate Student, Austin Peay University The Long and Short of Temporal Shifts in Plant Reproduction at Shaw Nature Reserve Kyra N. Krakos, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology, Maryville University; Research Associate, Missouri Botanical Garden 2017
Natural Areas as Sources of Native Medicinal Plants for Research - Case Study from the University of Kansas Research Program
Kelly Kindscher, Ethnobotanist and Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Kansas
Historical Distribution, Abundance, and Ecology of the American Bison in Missouri and Adjacent Regions
John White, Ecological Services, Urbana, Illinois
Pork - The Other Invasive Species: A Look at the Feral Hog Threat to the St. Francois Mountains and Beyond
Ron Colatskie, Natural Resource Steward, Missouri State Parks
Conserving Missouri's Flora Through Seed Banking
Meg Engelhardt, Seed Bank Manager, Missouri Botanical Garden
Dealing With Taxonomic Confusion: A Perspective on Helianthus strumosus in Missouri
Rick Gray, Missouri Native Plant Society
Ecological Sites in Missouri: A Useful New Tool
Erin Skornia, Plant Community Ecologist, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Communities of the Pennyroyal Karst Plain in Kentucky and Tennessee
Mason Brock, Herbarium Collections Manager, Austin Peay State University
Old-Growth Prairie and Pastured Prairie: How They Differ and Why the Differences Matter
John White, Ecological Services, Urbana, Illinois
Kelly Kindscher, Ethnobotanist and Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Kansas
Historical Distribution, Abundance, and Ecology of the American Bison in Missouri and Adjacent Regions
John White, Ecological Services, Urbana, Illinois
Pork - The Other Invasive Species: A Look at the Feral Hog Threat to the St. Francois Mountains and Beyond
Ron Colatskie, Natural Resource Steward, Missouri State Parks
Conserving Missouri's Flora Through Seed Banking
Meg Engelhardt, Seed Bank Manager, Missouri Botanical Garden
Dealing With Taxonomic Confusion: A Perspective on Helianthus strumosus in Missouri
Rick Gray, Missouri Native Plant Society
Ecological Sites in Missouri: A Useful New Tool
Erin Skornia, Plant Community Ecologist, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Communities of the Pennyroyal Karst Plain in Kentucky and Tennessee
Mason Brock, Herbarium Collections Manager, Austin Peay State University
Old-Growth Prairie and Pastured Prairie: How They Differ and Why the Differences Matter
John White, Ecological Services, Urbana, Illinois
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
What is a Prairie?
Doug Ladd, The Nature Conservancy
In Defense of Calendar Prairies: The Relationship of Dominance and Diversity Between Grasses and Forbs
Justin Thomas, Institute of Botanical Training, LLC
Conserving Imperiled Flora in the Southeastern U.S.
Quinn Long, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development
Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) Control via Aerial Herbicide Application - Initial Study Results
Mike Leahy, Missouri Department of Conservation
Living on the Edge: Environmental and Genetic Influence on Plant Growth and Mycorrhizal Interactions in Missouri Glades
Alice Tipton, Biological Services, University of Missouri
Missouri River Sand Communities
Steve Buback, Missouri Department of Conservation
Untangling the Viny Viornas: Taxonomic Studies in the Genus Clematis
Dwayne Estes, Botanical Research Institute of Texas and Austin Peay State University's Center of Excellence for Field Biology
Threat of Hybridization to the Conservation of Schoenoplectiella hallii (Hall's Bulrush) and S. saximontana (Rocky Mt Bulrush)
Paul McKenzie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Marian Smith, Southern Illinois University
The Breath of the South Blows Over This Valley: Southeastern Floristic Influence, Endemism, and Rare Habitats in the Interior Highlands
Theo Witsell, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
Doug Ladd, The Nature Conservancy
In Defense of Calendar Prairies: The Relationship of Dominance and Diversity Between Grasses and Forbs
Justin Thomas, Institute of Botanical Training, LLC
Conserving Imperiled Flora in the Southeastern U.S.
Quinn Long, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development
Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) Control via Aerial Herbicide Application - Initial Study Results
Mike Leahy, Missouri Department of Conservation
Living on the Edge: Environmental and Genetic Influence on Plant Growth and Mycorrhizal Interactions in Missouri Glades
Alice Tipton, Biological Services, University of Missouri
Missouri River Sand Communities
Steve Buback, Missouri Department of Conservation
Untangling the Viny Viornas: Taxonomic Studies in the Genus Clematis
Dwayne Estes, Botanical Research Institute of Texas and Austin Peay State University's Center of Excellence for Field Biology
Threat of Hybridization to the Conservation of Schoenoplectiella hallii (Hall's Bulrush) and S. saximontana (Rocky Mt Bulrush)
Paul McKenzie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Marian Smith, Southern Illinois University
The Breath of the South Blows Over This Valley: Southeastern Floristic Influence, Endemism, and Rare Habitats in the Interior Highlands
Theo Witsell, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
Your First Look at 88,000 Missouri Glades: How Landscapes and Geology Influence Their Shapes, Patterns, and Distributions
Paul Nelson, Consultant to the American Bird Conservancy
Fifty Shades of Glade: Plant Diversity in the Rocky Ozark Grasslands
Jesse Miller, University of Wisconsin
Restoration Ecology of Glades: Are Calcareous Outcrops in the Ozarks and Tennessee Central Basin Different?
Dr. Matthew Albrecht, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden
Exploring Polyploidy and Diversity: The Intriguing Case of Phlox pilosa
Dr. Carolyn Ferguson, Division of Biology, Kansas State University
The Rare Plants of Michigan: Trends, Tracks, and Tribulations. Or, We're Not So Different, You and I.
Bradford Slaughter, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
Fossils, Forests, and Conservation
Dr. Alan Graham, Missouri Botanical Garden
Review of the Missouri Natural Heritage Program for Plants
Malissa Underwood, Missouri Department of Conservation, and Dr. George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical Garden
Reproductive Ecology of Asclepias meadii
Dr. Retha Edens-Meier, St. Louis University, and Dr. Peter Bernhardt, St. Louis University
Thirty-six Years of Botanical Observations and Natural Community Management at One State Park
Bruce Schuette, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Paul Nelson, Consultant to the American Bird Conservancy
Fifty Shades of Glade: Plant Diversity in the Rocky Ozark Grasslands
Jesse Miller, University of Wisconsin
Restoration Ecology of Glades: Are Calcareous Outcrops in the Ozarks and Tennessee Central Basin Different?
Dr. Matthew Albrecht, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden
Exploring Polyploidy and Diversity: The Intriguing Case of Phlox pilosa
Dr. Carolyn Ferguson, Division of Biology, Kansas State University
The Rare Plants of Michigan: Trends, Tracks, and Tribulations. Or, We're Not So Different, You and I.
Bradford Slaughter, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
Fossils, Forests, and Conservation
Dr. Alan Graham, Missouri Botanical Garden
Review of the Missouri Natural Heritage Program for Plants
Malissa Underwood, Missouri Department of Conservation, and Dr. George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical Garden
Reproductive Ecology of Asclepias meadii
Dr. Retha Edens-Meier, St. Louis University, and Dr. Peter Bernhardt, St. Louis University
Thirty-six Years of Botanical Observations and Natural Community Management at One State Park
Bruce Schuette, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
Missouri Floristic Quality Assessment: A Tool for Assessing and Managing Natural Habitats and Restorations
Doug Ladd, The Nature Conservancy
What Does It Take to Get Pollinated Around Here?
Mike Arduser, Missouri Department of Conservation
Documenting Missouri's Liverwort Flora
John Atwood, Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri's Blackberries: Why Do They Rubus the Wrong Way?
Justin Thomas and Jacob Hadle, Institute of Botanical Training
Notes on Diversity and Endangerment in the Flora of Missouri
Dr. George Yatskievych and Rex Hill, Missouri Botanical Garden
Exploring Polyploidy and Diversity: The Intriguing Case of Phlox pilosa
Dr. Carolyn Ferguson, Kansas State University
Burn, Burn, Burn: A Plant Ecological and Ecosystem Perspective on Prescribed Fire for Wildlife Managment
Dr. Alexander Wait, Missouri State University
Getting to the Roots of Local Adaptation: Evolution of North American Grapevines
Dr. Allison Miller, St. Louis University
New Approaches in Finding Rare Plants
Dr. Paul McKenzie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Doug Ladd, The Nature Conservancy
What Does It Take to Get Pollinated Around Here?
Mike Arduser, Missouri Department of Conservation
Documenting Missouri's Liverwort Flora
John Atwood, Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri's Blackberries: Why Do They Rubus the Wrong Way?
Justin Thomas and Jacob Hadle, Institute of Botanical Training
Notes on Diversity and Endangerment in the Flora of Missouri
Dr. George Yatskievych and Rex Hill, Missouri Botanical Garden
Exploring Polyploidy and Diversity: The Intriguing Case of Phlox pilosa
Dr. Carolyn Ferguson, Kansas State University
Burn, Burn, Burn: A Plant Ecological and Ecosystem Perspective on Prescribed Fire for Wildlife Managment
Dr. Alexander Wait, Missouri State University
Getting to the Roots of Local Adaptation: Evolution of North American Grapevines
Dr. Allison Miller, St. Louis University
New Approaches in Finding Rare Plants
Dr. Paul McKenzie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service